Thursday, July 17, 2008
I've not put to paper my thoughts for quite a time now. The time has moved by and so much has happened. Uncertainties manifested in the winds about my effort have turned my mind from side to side and developed a renewed mindset where I think I might be less contradictory to my pursuit of structure. The rock where I stand is not where I believed I had stood before.
God, it's uncomfortable to get to know You. Your will and not my own is hard to realize. I've said that very truth before and yet never realized the depth of understanding necessary to incorporate such a demanding life style. Words can do allot and they can cover allot.
I'm not sure if I can fully describe the word, love. The most meaningful explanation that I've heard recently is that it's not stimulation, but inspiration. It's not the instant gratification of what we feel as a result of the verb. Or even the shove we need to cause movement toward our goals. No, it is the setting of new goals, the conceiving of an alternate end to our means, and there by, the changing of those. The idea and presence of love constitutes a resolve beyond acting on motivation and invokes the tangible need for raising the ability to implement and tackle goals that precede the vision it has instilled within us.
I tend to be apprehensive when it comes to giving myself fully over to something. Caution is my portion. I have developed the philosophy, through disappointment and grief, of moderation in all things. I still stand by that principle, but couple with it another philosophy saying, love inspires. And I have been inspired. The effects of this are becoming evident in my life and the need for drastic, unbalanced action seems evermore constant. This is unsettling to my person. I believe, having become so determined to find the balance I was looking for, that I had given weight to a complacency which destroyed what contentment I tried to display. My thoughts were of a restless nature and my order was of chaos. I was a lop-sided scale.
Now love is driving me to a change that is not of my own thinking. I've gotta become the man I was created to be. Lord, give me diligence.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
An Oration
Joshua 10:24 - And it came to pass, when they brought out those kings unto Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said unto the captains of the men of war which went with him, Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings. And they came near, and put their feet on the necks of them.
25 - And Joshua said unto them, Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the Lord do to all your enemies against whom ye fight.
Joshua was the appointed leader of Israel. God had entrusted him with this time to be the influence that would guide the course of History and continue the development of Creation. He was a determined, courageous man of action and had walked through the barriers of the promised land, led by Israel's God.
The Lord has already, up to this point in the Scriptures, given His chosen Nation many victories over their enemies as they press onward in their pursuit of God's will. The dwellers of the land stand firmly against these invaders and oppose them with relentless violence and resolve to keep their land. But as we read, we see their attempts thwarted time and time again by the Almighty.
If you read the entire chapter of Joshua 10, you'll see several examples of Gods' hand upon His people, giving their enemies over to defeat. He went with them in all their battles and Joshua spurred them on, following the Lords' command. We can approach our enemies in the same way to defeat them. How are we to fight against our enemies?
3 Points in Dealing with our Enemies
1: Is God our God?
If He is not, the enemies we encounter and clash with are insignificant. We are either with God or against Him. He specifically tells us in His Word that He will not receive us if we are lukewarm in our pursuit of Him. That means that we are either chasing after God whole-heartedly, or we are fighting against Him. If we are enemies of God, what is the importance of defeating our own adversaries?
Ultimately, God will judge you and me and all of our enemies. I don't want to defeat my enemies and remain an enemy of God. Before examining who our enemies are, let us examine ourselves and release our desires to be guided by the Lord, that we can become friends of God.
2: Who are our enemies?
Those who blaspheme and deny the sovereignty of Gods' name, and mock those who call on His name. Those who oppose us in our pursuit of God. People wishing to harm us. These are a few examples of enemies that we may face in our lives. God has not placed these enemies in our lives. Rather, He has placed us in the lives of our enemies that we can overcome them.
3: How to fight our enemies.
We do not fight against flesh and blood. We wrestle with principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We need the full armor of God to stand against these spiritual armies.
In specific reference to our enemies, it is important to have our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. Your feet are used for spreading the Gospel. And God wants to hand our enemies to us to bring them to the knowledge and trust in Him. Preach the Gospel to our enemies? Yes!
He is sending us out into a foreign land to conquer and claim it as His. Our enemies will come against us, but God has given us the power we need to step on their throats; to silence them with the good news. We must be prepared to share the Gospel at all times. When we are fully equipped with the Armor of God we leave our enemies no room for excuse. We as well have no excuse for neglecting to pursue and overcome the enemies in this time we've been given.
God has given us the land. He has given us an allotted amount of time to live. He has already overcome the world. Be strong and courageous and press on from victory to victory. God has placed your enemy under your feet.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
And Now, a Fiction: Killer Apes
One. Two. Three. The gorillas knew how to organize their time super good. They could count, drive; there was nothing to stop their eternal reign of terror. Except one thing, the thing that could ultimately overthrow the entire world without a single thought; themselves. This was a detrimental and overpowering thought for the younger in this pack, so they decided to kill everybody, knowing that this was precisely the transpiring event they so soundly opposed. But what was to entreat their understanding to such a level, that they may realize the folly of their plan, being the only unapologetic truth they heard was that they were going to die and that there really was no truth to what that meant? They had to do something and what their instincts told them to do was to simply kill all that may bring about the demise of all, and in so doing (either unknowingly or non-admittedly) destroy their very hope of survival through their attempts at conserving the same. After all, did their guides and role models die? A probably yes. And a definite yes. And after the elders were destroyed a threat still remained among the young and the peace was not resolved through the violence but rather utterly obliterated. Turning against each other, they undid their existence.
This was not a story condemning violence. This is not a tale depicting any bitter means by which individuals may act or react in any way. This is a story of the undoing of a generation that looked up and saw preceding them indecision and relative means of depicting morality. What you have just read is a story of relative truth.
The End
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Today produced another wonderful service in my congregation. The sun occassionally peeked from behind the water hovering in the sky and all the birds were singing pretty lively and loudly. After rising and arriving at the church, I led my praise team to join in the noise. We struck an immaculate tone in keeping with the theme of celebrations for today, singing two numbers rather than the usual five or six, to begin a service slightly different than usual.
You see, the Pastor, along with his son and daughter, my brother Daniel and two other members of the congregation are in Macedonia at this time until the 1st of April carrying out a mission to bring understanding of doctrine to the rather new Pastors and the Christian church there. The Orthodox Catholic Church has dominated that country for hundreds of years and their thinking is constricted by such things as praying to the Saints and using rituals to secure blessing and put off curses. The Pastor we have been working with over the past year is very much against these religious practices, is sound and humble. My mother and I met him on the first trip to Macedonia when we scouted the grounds in preparation for the establishment of an on going ministry there. Now we support several pastors and some Bible School students.
Being Pastor George is out of the country continuing this outreach, his wife, Pastor Jill, officiated thismorning, and a special singer, Todd Uptdahl, performed a bit of an Easter concert with intemittent pieces of a message connecting the songs. The sermon came from his own recent experience of forgiving himself and led to a poignant climax restating and reawakening the knowledge of why we celebrate this wonderous day. Today brought about the first service in a while in which I was able to sit and enjoy anothers' musical performance rather than being the main performer, which I do really enjoy. But a break from weekly routine is nice as well. :)
As I sat on the front pew listening to the words, I found that they all had such palatable meaning, though I may have heard the song a hundred times before. Songs of forgivness, hope and optimism. Songs of melancholy and upbeat lyrical tunes celebrating the better parts of living this life. The western-toned melodies played clearly through the air and the bass-driven choruses rumbled through the creaky wood seating, physically giving you the impression of riding over a smooth, country, dirt road. Immutable joy.
During our sound check before service, Todd asked me to sing the ending song, How Great is Our God, with him. I'd never attempted that number before, but concluded that the tune was familiar enough in my own head and the words would be on a stand in the center of the stage, prompting me to agree and sing. The contrast of our voices paralleled in the sound system was surprising and, though we sung no harmonies to the melody, rendered a diverse tone reflective of harmonic riffs and low notes in concomitance. Anyway, it sounded good. Really good.
A wonderful celebration. Now I'm just veggin' out. I'll see ya around!
Andrew R. M. Hanson
Friday, March 21, 2008
Racing to the Darkness
I've not posted anything for quite a while now. That doesn't mean I've not been learning anything. Just means I have a-very-much-lot going on right now. (smile)
Sometimes I don't have anything to write and I get a little frustrated. Like right now. I know that there's allot to write about. I just can't seem to drag it from the confines where it rests preparing to become awake and vibrant, full of motion; an exposition. I'd had several subjects present themselves which interested me and deserved to be developed, but time did not submit itself to me. Never does. Clocks seem to continue running, no matter how many I destroy.
I've found recently that I'm not a good race runner. I wonder if it's because I think time is supposed to submit to me...
Over the last few months I've come to a new understanding of the world around me. I've peeked beyond my own fears and lit a match in a scopic, vacant room that I don't think I knew I was in. Or one that I had simply imagined completely different from what the pale light before me now tells. There's allot of darkness in this world. And if you try to get involved in bringing light to the darkest of places, have no doubt that you will see darkness. Everyone has intentions of acting in greatness and displaying good for the betterment of sagging circumstances. But these are the ones fooled by their own self-importance. Not that there is a conscious attempt on their part to promote self-centered relevance, but we humans tend to consider ourselves from the perspective of self-affirmation and can be overtaken by thoughts of what good has been done through our hands. So, what happened to the initiative behind the steady run? Vision is blurred by cheers, and shaky legs are steadied by humility.
Imagine you're holding a letter in your hand. K? Now, imagine the importance of this letter and the even greater importance of its' arrival unto the destination within an allotted amount of time. You are equipped to take this letter and deliver it as it should be delivered. All know that you are the capable and appointed one. It is easy for you to receive admonition and bask in their words of admiration, then stumble through the first few steps of the trek causing you the loss of footing that was needed to secure timely completion of your task.
Pride comes before getting cooked alive in a microwave oven after all. When we believe that we will go into darkness completely unaffected, it's no wonder so many people are unwilling to stick it out and stay the position they're equipped for. We love the praise given and excitement we get from starting down the track. But of course we won't be untouched. If you look at darkness, you see darkness. That's a fact. To bring order to dis-functional darkness we should focus on and study the order and completeness of light. But to know that darkness is there, it must be witnessed and acknowledged, confirming its' prevalence and need for righting. And as we walk into the thick of things, we'd best be ready to acknowledge our dependence on someone greater than ourselves.
So, sometimes I can't quite find the words. And sometimes I get a little frustrated that I can't formulate any subject matter. And sometimes that's just what I need. A mouth less noisy is one less heard, and words less spoken are of great value. There is a place to release those sounds. Oh, help me find that place, Lord.
Andrew R. M. Hanson
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Colors of my State and Country
Recently I have come across the possibility that I should become the next House Representative for Freeborn County in Minnesota. I'm studying up on my politics and the issues and will be attending campaign school to learn how to, well, campaign! This schooling is reliant on my being nominated by the Republican delegates. So that is the main focus at the moment.
I don't know of another Candidate hopeful vying for nomination as of yet, but I've got to be prepared and ready to learn so that I am a viable Candidate to run against the incumbent Democratic Candidate. I'll be giving my candidacy speech March 1st at the Republican Convention. I believe this is really the most overwhelming thing I've ever attempted. It's exciting and alarming at the same time, meaning that I'd have never imagined running for this position several months ago, but am overjoyed in thinking of where this could catapult the direction of my life. I do enjoy being involved in politics and have always believed that every American has the privilege and obligation to announce their stance and principle through means of voting and public service, be it presenting their ideas to those who represent them or becoming a representative of others themselves.
I do feel the burden more than the desire at the moment. And that is as it should be. I spoke on desire versus burdens in my previous post, and I won't do so again here. But I would only say I hope for the time when the desire to be in this position outweighs the need. And I grow more excited to think that at my young age of 21 I might be thrust into this position of leadership, equipping me with a firm start to my life as I venture into the world.
Yeah, this is what I'm doing. I will rise to be counted intending to take up the position long held by many a soul and wear the colors of my State and Country. With God as my guide and man as my equal, I shall walk by the patriarchs of old in their attempts to establish this land as a strong, law-governed, and unwavering, unified nation of opportunity and promise, blessed by the hand of Almighty God.
This is still the greatest country on earth.
Andrew R. M. Hanson
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
"Oh, Give me the Desire, Lord!"
So, I wanted to make a list of six convenient things in our country and abroad. Here it is!
1. Divorce
2. Abortion
3. Quitting Job
4. Gossiping
5. Playing Music
6. Microwaves
If everything I do is what I want to do, am I really doing anything at all? We all talk about following our heart, living the dream, being who we want to be, when in trying to do so we've bypassed our principles and lost our heart. It can be exceptionally tiring in this land of technologies and frivolousness. We can cart the latest vehicle around the neighborhood and have sweet tastes wherever we please.
Why do we have to like everything we do? Why do we have to be comfortable when we're working? Does comfort of a mothers womb help a baby grow to be a man? For a time, yes. That time ends.
All time ends eventually and then what is remembered; the comforts, or the accomplishments yielded from your efforts?
I know of a man, who prayed in a garden that God wouldn't require Him to go through with everything He had before Him. He said, "Not my will, but Yours." He dreaded going to His death and hated the thought of taking every sin in history and future upon Himself. But He first loved the Lord and consented to accomplish the task at hand, even though He really didn't have too much desire for it.
Next time you ask God to give you the desire to do something, think twice.
Andrew R. M. HansonWednesday, February 6, 2008
A Short Spout
But now, the same oportunites are presenting themselves larger than before, much more possible and faster than anything you've encountered. It's shockingly evident that the impossible has suddenly, without explanation, become your reality. You know that feeling?
It's almost as if I've scooted the micro-wave a few inches to the side of the counter, and watched as it fell to a shattering conclusion. Convenience and reliability are looking much more useless than ever before right now. It's time for hustled work in a bustling kitchen over the scalding hot oven. The high-quality, slow-baked bread has got to be out by deadline at 5 in the morning!
Yeah, it's get busy time, but I couldn't be more excited about the consequences...
Andrew R. M. Hanson
Monday, January 28, 2008
Seasons, Discontent, Corrupted Good and Moderate Takings
Don't get me wrong, I love the bitter cold air that strips away any sense of comfort you may have had in the warmth of your house upon opening the door after waking. I'm serious, I love the cold weather. But today, when I felt cool relief of a spring day touch my skin and breathed in that fresh southern wind that brought with it newness and life, I couldn't help but long for Spring to be upon us. I instantly began to desire the Seasons' constant visitation.
I can remember back to Summer, when I desperately desired Autumn. I remember near the end of Autumn when I was really looking forward to a dreadfully cold and white winter. Now had I not experienced Summer, Autumn would not have seemed as sweet. The same is true for Winter.
Things continually grow old and renew and are ever ending, and there is nothing new. So, uh, that gets me thinking and wondering why we so often despise the season we're in. We're always hoping for the next season to come and thinking that we'll be fulfilled when it's here. It's such a joyous moment the first week of Spring when the new buds are all over the trees. They unfold into leaves and keep us alive. But they will grow old and die and our infatuation with these wonders will diminish as we neglect to see their true undying beauty.
The same is true for the president of the U.S.A. No, I'm not talking about the current leader, I'm speaking of all the leaders, past and present. Even beyond the history of America, has there been discontentment with the governmental leaders of any nation. They rise, you love 'em. They try to act in their leadership as best they know to and you hate 'em. They eventually fall from power and you remember how they were good leaders and you long for Spring again.
Disgusting, really, the cycles we go through as unsatisfied human beings. We can't be satisfied by the good of anything because we have to see the bad along with it. Evil came into this earth, six, seven, eight thousand years ago and messed up our world pretty badly. The world is wrong. Seasons are wrong. Though there is beauty, and I try to experience it and focus on it, the fact still rings the truest tone, that darkness is on the earth. Every season shares its' good with torrents and destruction. Every good thing must be taken in moderation, because it is limited good. It is corrupted good, so to speak. Not that the good can mix with the bad, but too much good is monotonous and tiring down here.
I wish I could see the good without knowing that evil is present in all aspects of this life. But until I go to where things are endless, I will continue to take good in moderation, so as to not spoil my dinner.
Andrew R. M. Hanson
Thursday, January 24, 2008
This will be the first blog in which I'm not saying something philosophical or poetic in nature. Because I'm just gonna talk about my life. Or at least some upcoming events in life.
You see, there's this trip coming up that greatly excites me! It is a missions trip with my church back to the country of Macedonia! I say back for, in fact, I have been there twice already. Once with my Mother, then a second time with my brother, Corey, Pastor George, his son, Elisha, And a Deacon from the church, Brother Ray. This time two more of my brothers, Daniel and Patrick, the Pastors' daughter, Suzie and the Deacons' son Ray Jr. will all be coming along with everyone who came on the second trip. The crowd keeps growing!
Through the first trip God established communication with the ministries there and, through much intercession and carrying the burdens of His Word, we shook the foundations of the enemy outposts all across Macedonia and specifically in Veles. We got to meet many amazing families and spend time with them. We ate of their generosity and drank of their spirits! Everyone drinks wine over there when they have guests to their homes, and personally, I enjoy a good Merlot to complement my evening meal once a week. If enjoyed moderately, it is truly a delight. More on moderation later.
So, where was I? Oh, yes. The second trip! We landed in Skopje, MK after a long flight and I immediately felt as though I had been there before. And what's more, I felt as though I was right at home! Even though I could not and still do not speak the language, it seemed as if I was right back where I belonged. When we reached the town of Veles, where we were stationed the first trip and would be again this second time, I felt even more at home. Then we got to work and broke the stronghold of darkness over all Macedonia. God specifically stopped the darkness from re-entering Veles on one occasion, of which our group (that I was away from at the time) saw first hand. But, that's another story, and if you want to know it, you can ask. Just to let you know, it has to do with crashing vehicles, blood and the physical destruction of certain evil items.
I was off on my own at this point learning a very important lesson about time we spend with those we love, and most importantly, with God. Or perhaps, more accurately, learning to a small degree what neglect is. And that's another story. One which I will share with you if asked in person. Cuz I like to talk to your faces!
Needless to say, the power of the enemy was shattered and the movement of God was touchable after our second journey there. The local ministries are now partially funded by monthly electronic transfers of currency to the Pastors there, and are growing steadily in strength and wisdom.
Now it is time to return again and push the work of God even further in that region! I'm so excited to go back and taste a freshly prepared burek. I can smell it now... (Another story) We leave March 18th and come back on the first of April. Gotta raise the funds real quick here. Can't wait to get back and see the friends I made there before and to witness Gods' unparalleled movement.
So, if you would, I'd appreciate certain directed attention toward Providence for... Our well being while preparing and anticipating, our unscathed deliverance into the country, and a certain humbleness so as to channel the current of Christ through our desires and efforts.
Basically, remember to pray for us at least once. Thanks.
Andrew R. M. Hanson
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Frozen Expressions. Broken Cogs. Meaningless.
When I think about this life I live and the beauty of the land I'm in, I'd have it all no other way. I love this land. Yeah, sometimes you southern Minnesotans get on my nerves. All your, "Yeah, sure"s, weak coffee, repressed advertising customs and dang monotone cursing. But I really love ya'll. I'm one of you for cryin' out loud! In fact, I'm probably more a culprit of some things I try to blame others of doing than those who get the flak from my spit-fire.
Bills come and take, but days are unsure. This day is fresh and full of possibility. I started by disciplining myself with a little early morning jog and weight lifting at the 24-hr gym. Then rushed off to shower and open the family business at 9 a.m. But it seems I'm living like tomorrow is coming. I grow weary of that. I grow weary of myself. My greatest fear is that I'm not my own. Though a greater fear is that I'm on my own. I see us fear that we will only ever dream our dreams. That perhaps what we see as the desires of our heart are only selfish ambitions. We're in a routine, phisically and mentally.
Tell me what you're looking to find, Americans. Proof of your soul? Truth? That there's more to life than rituals and customs? Is everything mechanical? Does everything in this life have a formula? Do you see real meaning in the cogs of which you play a part? If you do, is what you see a vision of what waits outside the mechanism? The broken cog is the cure, my friends.
I want to be everything for someone. I don't even have to know them. Just to know that I can pull the sun into their view for an instant would make me proud. Too proud perhaps. Because I think that it's not even about the girl, the money, the Minnesotan comrades. It's about knowing that I can't fail. It's about reassuring me that everything will work out here in time, when I don't know that it will. I don't know that anything will be ok until the end of time. That all this fussing over what I did wrong, what I did right and what I should receive recognition for is worth anything. It's dead cold, I have failed and I'm a glad person. How? Something that transcends time, I believe.
I'm not gonna let it all become meaningless.
Andrew R. M. Hanson
Saturday, January 5, 2008
A Regretable Good
I was allowed a reality check by some friends this year concerning the truth about Santa. That's right, he doesn't exsist anymore. I stopped believing in him when I was five, to be honest, but that didn't end the fact that he was still a main contributor to the feeling of Christmas I experienced. This year someone told me he died. Something about what he did when he lived keeps a spirit of joy about, but he didn't raise from the dead. Then there's the Christmas tree. It's fun to pretend and be festive, and I think it's good to have a holly jolly Christmas. It can go too far when we set the truth of Christmas' meaning under the branches in the shadow. I was always raised to know the truth of the Holidays, but my nature is that the gifts and fables are at the forefront of my spirit of cheer, when it should be Christ I celebrate first.
The new year celebration made me realize how new things really are. They're not that new. I realized that sadness is here and happiness as well. Both come and blow away with the wind. The setting of the sun is the dismissal of a days' frets and gives way to fresh perspective on all things good and bad. But there are also sleepless nights. Think about that.
Thoughts on my mind. Hmmm... My thoughts channel the regret of things left unsaid or things I should have never said across my mind and register sadness. However, at times, I don't even realize I've let my tongue over my lips. I can remember when I was a little guy and my brother would aggrivate me beyond all sanity. This caused the release of certain vocabularies, like, idiot! Or, stupid! Or, bad bee! That was perfectly acceptable referencing toward the sibling in my mind. That is until I felt the sharp sting of a hand against the flesh of my own. I didn't like that! When I didn't say what I should have said and followed the brothers where I shouldn't have the outcome was the same. Slap!
I go through this life and turn here and there and get slapped every once in a while. I can't stand it! When do I get to stand on my own? Then again, what gives me the gahl to think that I'm grown past the need for discipline? If I don't realize my faults, then why would I prefer to be left to my own failing self? Let me past my pride and allow a firm hand to sting mine. What compells me to think that I'm a greater person than the one who corrects me? We're both of the same sin.
So sadness is a regretable good.
Andrew R. M. Hanson
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
Andrew R. M. Hanson