You know when something crazy and totally out of your league suddenly is presented and confronts you? It's like you're contemplating where you'd be right now if things had turned out differently than what they did a year, two years ago, and you know that you're just not there.
But now, the same oportunites are presenting themselves larger than before, much more possible and faster than anything you've encountered. It's shockingly evident that the impossible has suddenly, without explanation, become your reality. You know that feeling?
It's almost as if I've scooted the micro-wave a few inches to the side of the counter, and watched as it fell to a shattering conclusion. Convenience and reliability are looking much more useless than ever before right now. It's time for hustled work in a bustling kitchen over the scalding hot oven. The high-quality, slow-baked bread has got to be out by deadline at 5 in the morning!
Yeah, it's get busy time, but I couldn't be more excited about the consequences...
Andrew R. M. Hanson
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