Monday, January 28, 2008

Seasons, Discontent, Corrupted Good and Moderate Takings

So, today was very, very warm. I think it may have reached 40 degrees F. It felt like Spring was just around the corner, though the forecast tells us we've got below zero temperatures approaching again this weekend. Dang!

Don't get me wrong, I love the bitter cold air that strips away any sense of comfort you may have had in the warmth of your house upon opening the door after waking. I'm serious, I love the cold weather. But today, when I felt cool relief of a spring day touch my skin and breathed in that fresh southern wind that brought with it newness and life, I couldn't help but long for Spring to be upon us. I instantly began to desire the Seasons' constant visitation.

I can remember back to Summer, when I desperately desired Autumn. I remember near the end of Autumn when I was really looking forward to a dreadfully cold and white winter. Now had I not experienced Summer, Autumn would not have seemed as sweet. The same is true for Winter.

Things continually grow old and renew and are ever ending, and there is nothing new. So, uh, that gets me thinking and wondering why we so often despise the season we're in. We're always hoping for the next season to come and thinking that we'll be fulfilled when it's here. It's such a joyous moment the first week of Spring when the new buds are all over the trees. They unfold into leaves and keep us alive. But they will grow old and die and our infatuation with these wonders will diminish as we neglect to see their true undying beauty.

The same is true for the president of the U.S.A. No, I'm not talking about the current leader, I'm speaking of all the leaders, past and present. Even beyond the history of America, has there been discontentment with the governmental leaders of any nation. They rise, you love 'em. They try to act in their leadership as best they know to and you hate 'em. They eventually fall from power and you remember how they were good leaders and you long for Spring again.

Disgusting, really, the cycles we go through as unsatisfied human beings. We can't be satisfied by the good of anything because we have to see the bad along with it. Evil came into this earth, six, seven, eight thousand years ago and messed up our world pretty badly. The world is wrong. Seasons are wrong. Though there is beauty, and I try to experience it and focus on it, the fact still rings the truest tone, that darkness is on the earth. Every season shares its' good with torrents and destruction. Every good thing must be taken in moderation, because it is limited good. It is corrupted good, so to speak. Not that the good can mix with the bad, but too much good is monotonous and tiring down here.

I wish I could see the good without knowing that evil is present in all aspects of this life. But until I go to where things are endless, I will continue to take good in moderation, so as to not spoil my dinner.

Andrew R. M. Hanson

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