Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Colors of my State and Country

Hello, those that choose to read.

Recently I have come across the possibility that I should become the next House Representative for Freeborn County in Minnesota. I'm studying up on my politics and the issues and will be attending campaign school to learn how to, well, campaign! This schooling is reliant on my being nominated by the Republican delegates. So that is the main focus at the moment.

I don't know of another Candidate hopeful vying for nomination as of yet, but I've got to be prepared and ready to learn so that I am a viable Candidate to run against the incumbent Democratic Candidate. I'll be giving my candidacy speech March 1st at the Republican Convention. I believe this is really the most overwhelming thing I've ever attempted. It's exciting and alarming at the same time, meaning that I'd have never imagined running for this position several months ago, but am overjoyed in thinking of where this could catapult the direction of my life. I do enjoy being involved in politics and have always believed that every American has the privilege and obligation to announce their stance and principle through means of voting and public service, be it presenting their ideas to those who represent them or becoming a representative of others themselves.

I do feel the burden more than the desire at the moment. And that is as it should be. I spoke on desire versus burdens in my previous post, and I won't do so again here. But I would only say I hope for the time when the desire to be in this position outweighs the need. And I grow more excited to think that at my young age of 21 I might be thrust into this position of leadership, equipping me with a firm start to my life as I venture into the world.

Yeah, this is what I'm doing. I will rise to be counted intending to take up the position long held by many a soul and wear the colors of my State and Country. With God as my guide and man as my equal, I shall walk by the patriarchs of old in their attempts to establish this land as a strong, law-governed, and unwavering, unified nation of opportunity and promise, blessed by the hand of Almighty God.

This is still the greatest country on earth.

Andrew R. M. Hanson

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