I'm not even gonna start this blog by saying 'I haven't blogged in so dern long...' No! I'm simply going to compose a blog because I'm out of school today, though, preferably, the content of this particular posting will be anything but simple. If you know what I mean...
Currently, I am finishing my AFA in Music at Riverland in Austin, MN. Theory IV is proving to be a most enjoyable subject. Yes. Yes, indeed.
But, do you really want to hear about this? No! You would rather have your ears pleased by an interesting fact or coy joke I may share. Well, really, who am I to say what you want? So perhaps I'll just tell you something about fascinations I've witnessed as of late.
In General Psychology this semester, we have been studying the brain and neurons. We were instructed near the beginning of our classes to begin keeping a dream journal. We will be using these dreams in some type of class project at a future date. I've found a problem with this... Recently, I've dreamt quite a lot, but only during the day.
While I'm awake.
So, anyway. What happened to my dreams? I wonder who took them.
We all know that the only dreams of any consequence are the ones that congregate in your unconscious mind: the ambitions that display the true nature of your character.
I think it may be more accurate to say that these 'missing' dreams are actually present and merely unrecognized as so and irrelevant to my current economy within. The exchange of currencies see no worth in recording sub-conscious thought.
I've forgotten my dreams... Like Captain Hook just before Peter Pan sends him down to an unseemly demise in the belly of the croc. Perhaps it's because my mind is too busy making up it's own dreams while I'm awake. When sleep time comes, my dreams need rest as well.
Whatever the case, I know my friends still have dreams so they can't all be gone. The dreams, that is.
Sorry that I couldn't come up with any jokes...
Andrew R. M. Hanson
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